
Member Handbook (EOC)

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Public program for low income people

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CommuniCare Advantage

Medicare and Medi-Cal benefits

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Community y Más

Medicare plan for chronic care needs

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Provider Alerts

Resources for Providers

Community Health Group shares provider alerts and a quarterly newsletter publication to keep providers informed.




Provider Alert - 12/29/2023 - Remittance Advice Available Online

Provider Alert - 12/28/2023 - Benchmark Update

Provider Alert - 11/27/2023 - Upcoming Enhanced Care Management (ECM) and Community Supports (CS) Trainings

Provider Alert - 11/10/2023 - Subacute Care Contracting

Provider Alert - 10/11/2023 - Home Blood Pressure (BP) Monitoring Devices

Provider Alert - 10/4/2023 - Continuity of Care (CoC) for Transitioning Members

Provider Alert - 10/4/2023 - Updated Provider Certification Statement (PCS) Form

Provider Alert - 9/05/2023 - Appointment Availability Reminder

Provider Alert - 7/25/2023 - TeleMed2U

Provider Alert - 7/25/2023 - Email Forms

Provider Alert - 7/24/2023 - Alcohol and Drug Screening, Assessment, Brief Interventions and Referral to Treatment (SABIRT)

Provider Alert - 7/17/2023 - Medical Record Upload (MRU) Tool

Provider Alert - 7/12/2023 - Encounter Monitoring Tool

Provider Alert - 7/6/2023 - Appointment Availability Reminder

Provider Alert - 6/30/2023 - IP Change

Provider Alert - 6/20/2023 - Redetermination

Provider Alert - 5/12/2023 - The Preadmissions Screening and Resident Review

Provider Alert - 4/19/2023 - Changes to Required Assessments

Provider Alert - 4/12/2023 - Topical Fluoride (TFL)

Provider Alert - 4/10/2023 - PCS-NEMT Form

Provider Alert - 3/29/2023 - Removal of Administrative Burdens on Hospitals During COVID-19 Surge V4 Transportation Letter

Provider Alert - 3/29/2023 - Removal of Administrative Burdens on Hospitals During COVID-19 Surge V3 Home Health Letter

Provider Alert - 3/29/2023 - Removal of Administrative Burdens on Hospitals During COVID-19 Surge V2 DME Letter

Provider Alert - 3/29/2023 - Removal of Administrative Burdens on Hospitals During COVID-19 Surge V1 Hospital Letter

Provider Alert - 3/22/2023 - Appointment Availability Reminder

Provider Alert - 3/22/2023 - Encounter Monitoring Tool

Provider Alert - 3/20/2023 - Authorization and Referral Request

Provider Alert - 2/09/2023 - Reapplying for Medi-Cal Benefits in San Diego County

Provider Alert - 1/31/2023 - Streamline Medical Record Requests

Provider Alert - 1/10/2023 - Deadline to Submit Claim/Encounter Data

Provider Alert - 1/06/2023 - 2024 Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan Contracts

Provider Services Specialists

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