
Member Handbook (EOC)

Select your health plan to view the Member Handbook (EOC)


Public program for low income people

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CommuniCare Advantage

Medicare and Medi-Cal benefits

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Community y Más

Medicare plan for chronic care needs

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FHIR Developer API

Community Health Group

FHIR Developer API

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Access our Community Health Group APIs to become a third party app for our members!

This API fully supports FHIR® and provides rich programmatic access to electronic medical record data for patients and the companies and institutions who serve them. The available data includes patient demographics, labs, medications, observations, procedures, allergies, and much more.

Quick Start Guide

Access Public APIs

Provider Directory:https://api-chgsd-prd.safhir.io/v1/api/provider-directory/metadata

Formulary: https://api-chgsd-prd.safhir.io/v1/api/open-formularyv2/metadata