
Member Handbook (EOC)

Select your health plan to view the Member Handbook (EOC)


Public program for low income people

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CommuniCare Advantage

Medicare and Medi-Cal benefits

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Community y Más

Medicare plan for chronic care needs

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Community Health Group

Report Potential Fraud, Waste, or Abuse

To report potential Fraud, Waste or Abuse, or issues of non-compliance, please call the Compliance Hotline at 1-800-651-4459. You may also submit your report directly to the Compliance Officer, Francisca Chavez, by calling her directly at 1-619-498-6578, or via email at FChave@chgsd.com.

You may also submit your report anonymously by mailing your report directly to the Compliance Officer at the following address:
Compliance Officer
Community Health Group
2420 Fenton Street, Suite 100
Chula Vista, CA 91914

CHG Compliance

Our organization is committed to doing business with honesty and integrity, in careful compliance with the law ensuring that our members receive the most appropriate care at the right time and place.

The Board of Directors of Community Health Group has adopted a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics for employees and contractors of CHG. This Code is intended to focus on areas of ethical risk, provide guidance to employees and contractors to help them recognize and deal with ethical and compliance issues, provide mechanisms to report unethical, non-compliant, and illegal conduct, and help foster a culture of honesty and accountability. Each employee and contractor must comply with the letter and spirit of this Code.

No code or policy can anticipate every situation that may arise. Accordingly, this Code is intended to serve as a source of guiding principles for employees. Employees are encouraged to bring questions about particular circumstances that may implicate any provision of this Code to the attention of the Compliance Officer, who may consult with legal counsel as appropriate.



Educational Tools

Other Compliance Resources
